Better, Not More (Boots Edition)

I have been thinking about streamlining and limiting our possessions even more since the birth of Mae.  While you may think we can't fit a lot for 4 people in 600 square feet, we can.  Furniture we have under control, but clothes and shoes tend to get out of hand easily. With our almost weekly donations to the thrift store, I realize the cheap throw away fashions are not working for our small space. They wear quickly, don't wash well and are never my first choice to dress myself or my kids in. I am trying to be more conscious about quality, buying fewer items that are made well and last multiple seasons and years.  Suddenly, this is even more important as I hope to pass down some of Theo's nicer items to Mae.

This brings me to our shoes. We all needed new boots this year and I wanted quality boots that would take us from Fall, to Winter and into our cool Vancouver Spring.  I also wanted boots that would still be wearable next year. Or in Theo's case, be wearable by Baby Mae when the time arrives.  I knew Jcrew would have what I was looking for.  I'm wearing the Chelsea Boot in Black that makes me feel pulled together, especially on days when I am running out the door, frazzled, 2 kids in tow with dirty hair and a toque.  Both my boys are always in sneakers so I'm pleased to see them in a boot that can be dressed up or down. And I know my Chelsea boot will work for day and for a night out (hope I get one soooon). Oh and in case you were curious... Baby Mae does not need boots at 3 months old. She is wearing hand-me down (3rd generation) Paidraig's and will hopefully fit her Minimocs (size 2) any day now.

I am planning for a renewed focus on edited closets for the family including a mix of new and second hand items of great quality.  While the idea of a Capsule wardrobe is intriguing, there are too many rules for my liking.  Instead my goal will be less clothes that coordinate easily and are of a quality that can withstand many wears and washes (quality doesn't always = break the bank, more on this later).  Beginning with these beautiful boots, because as a family who is walking the city for the majority of our time, we can't compromise on shoe quality.



(Thanks to Jcrew for the gorgeous boots.  Jcrew is one of my favourite shops for quality clothes and shoes for my family.  While these boots were a gift, I shop there regularly and would not accept a gift I wouldn't purchase myself. Our edited space and my conscience does not allow for it.)