The couch


I realized that I haven’t yet mentioned our beloved couch.  Our down-filled, 6 year old and still holding its own, cozy vortex of a couch.  We actually bought our apartment based on whether or not it would fit our 10ft long sectional (not recommended, when making a major investment to base it on a couch!).

When we decided to re-think our layout to stay here with our baby the only feasible place for the murphy bed encroached on our very lengthy couch. We had a choice, get a new couch…. or see if an alternative layout of our giant couch could work.  We tried rearranging the sectional and cushions by splitting it and placing some nesting teak side tables in place of a coffee table.  I was iffy about it because I love the traditional layout but we have found this layout allows more friends to pile on the two separate couches than the previous layout and makes for great conversation.  

This reconfiguration allows us to keep our dream of a couch in our tiny redesigned space.  Maybe one day if we get a slightly bigger space we can use it again in its true form but for now design is a process and never perfect and that’s how we like it.

ps…can’t wait for our new rug to arrive!!!