Small Solutions


When Trevor started talking about adding a Stand Up Paddle Board to our collection of surfboards (already 3 deep), I was very hesitant, ok actually I was adamant that we did NOT have room.  Our 600 square foot apartment that already held 3 humans and all of our stuff that we try so hard to keep to a minimum, did not have room for a 10ft tall board!

But he won me over, with an inflatable board (link here)!  I still don’t really understand how such a thing is possible but I have seen it work and how it folds down to a large backpack.  Pretty impressive.  So of course that meant he had to bring it to Mexico because bringing a crib, stroller, highchair and various baby accessories was not enough to slug across North America ;).  But seeing Trevor’s face paddling across the turquoise water while Theo napped in the stroller on the beach made it feel like for a moment we had it all figured out (for a moment).