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All The Lives Lived in our Small Space

This time of year I usually find myself in a reflective and nostalgic mood. I was thinking back on all the different versions of our lives that we have lived in this same small apartment and decided to write them down…

We’ve been the newlyweds with our first jobs out of university.

The dual income hardworking couple climbing corporate ladders with carefree travel schedules.

W'e’ve been the new parents with a tiny baby.

The mom on a lonely year of mat leave.

The parents navigating working full-time with a spirited toddler.

The tired pregnant mom travelling often for work and the husband trying to keep it all together with a toddler.

The world-turned-upside-down parents of a baby and a three year old (who was not pleased with the new addition to the family).

Followed by another mat leave year with a baby and a 3 year old at home full-time.

Part-time freelance working mom, full-time working dad and part-time childcare for 2 kids.

And here we are now, freelance employed mom, full-time working dad, a first grader and a 3 year old.

It feels crazy to break down the past 9 years into those easily digestible descriptions of family life and work, as life is more complex and nuanced than one line can capture. But what remained constant is that our small space adjusted to our needs. At one point in time I thought that the only reason our small space worked for us is because we were barely in it. Between working full-time, travelling, daycare pick ups etc we were rarely home. And when we were finally all together as a family, I loved that we were only a few steps away from each other. Then I spent a rainy and snowy winter with a baby and a toddler at home, that pushed the limits of this space and my sanity to the edge. That winter was hard and so far there hasn’t been a harder one. But if there is anything I’ve learned from squishing our growing family into 600 square feet is that doubling down on this space and choosing to work with it instead of against it has been one of the great gifts of our life so far.

We’ve learned to value time and experiences over material things. And we’ve all learned to share, cooperate and communicate as there really is no other way to live in a small space with one bathroom ;). We’ve had set backs and weak moments where we shopped too much and then had to stare at those items that had no place for months before deciding we were lighter and freer without them. We’ve fought and cried and begged for alone time to find ourselves refreshed after a few hours or a night away. I guess, we’ve grown up here (and still are). I don’t know where this next year will take us, into a new space, far off travel or if we will remain right here, making the most of what we already have. I just know that I don’t regret all the lives we’ve lived in this 600 square foot apartment.

Happy Holidays (or Festive Feelings as Trevor has been saying lately) dear readers ! And I wish for you a 2020 that is clutter free and full of promise! Thanks for being here. One of the greatest gifts of this space is sharing the ups and downs with you.