2 !!

Our sweet boy turned 2 this past weekend.  It’s impossible to not mention the obvious and say that time has completely flown by.  In some ways I can hardly remember our life without him in it and in others I still feel like we just brought him home from the hospital.

When we first met Theo 2 years ago I had no idea what to expect.  I knew we wanted to have a family but I had never been that into kids.  I was worried I wouldn’t know what to do with him or that I wouldn’t love him enough. So many unfounded worries! If anything now I worry about loving him too much!  We still don’t know what we are doing but we are trying our best everyday.

With every birthday Trevor and I cheers our survival as new parents and another year living in our small space as our little one grows into a little person.

For this birthday we skipped the big party and escaped to the island for a low key family celebration with my mom.  Theo got to run around their big backyard and the beach in Tofino.  He also ate too many sweets including a cake I’m pretty sure I had for many of my childhood birthdays.  It was just what we needed rather than a big celebration that would have taken all my attention away from Theo and onto party planning. Please indulge me while I share too many photos of him.